Ordering Ultrasonic from Lavender Ink


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Notes on Process and Sources: 

Ultrasonic also includes, at the end of the book, extensive notes on the origins, processes, and sources for each essay in the book. Steven's hope is that these can offer some additional perspective and answer some questions that readers, reviewers, teachers, and students might have about the book. Many of these notes are excerpted either from process essays that Steven has written and published or from interviews he's done with other publications. 

"Auscultation," Common Core, and "Difficult Texts":

In the Spring of 2014, in response to the new demands of Common Core and as part of an effort to train teachers and students in responding to "difficult texts," every ninth grader in the Fremont Union High School District in San Jose, California read Steven's essay, "Auscultation," from his new book, Ultrasonic.

On Jan. 17 Steven visited Lynbrook High School in San Jose where he talked with students who had read and written papers in response to his essay.

Lynbrook students also studied "Auscultation" in their science classes, taking the opportunity to consider how science can inform their understanding of a text.

"Auscultation," is part of Inquiry By Design's "difficult texts" curriculum package, and has now been adopted by several high schools around the country.  A quick search of blog posts on the essay will reveal a variety of responses from students and this one from a teacher at Lynbrook. Steven is willing to visit your school and discuss "Auscultation," or other of his essays. 

Ultrasonic will also be available on Indiebound.com, Powells.com, and Amazon.com

Ordering The Day After The Day After: My Atomic Angst: 

If possible, please order from Indiebound, or Powells.com

The book is also available on Amazon.com